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Chapel 2020

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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Shead speaks on God as creator from Jonah 1-2. He looks at the fear of God, what it looks like to escape from God's presence, and the parallels between Jonah and Jesus.


Earngey speaks on the experiences people have at College, as well as the challenges of thinking spiritually. He presents what it means to use our minds for Christ, in a college context, such as respnding to marks.


Thompson speaks on Matthew 12:1-14. He explores our fascination with murder, and ties it to the Pharisee's fascination with murder. Thompson details their claim of the breaking of the sabbath, and that they have missed what is happening in front of them.


Shead explores the actions of the repentance of the Ninevites in Jonah 3. He explores the relationship between God's sovereignty and freedom. Shead compares the prayer of the king of Ninevah to Moses' prayer for Israel in Exodus 32.


Thompson speaks on Matthew 15:21-39. He explores the context from the surrounding verses and other occassions when Jesus has interacted with Gentiles, and why this does not surprise us, but did surprise the Jews. Thompson then explores the healing of the Canaanite women's daughter. He then explores the feeding of the 4000, to show that this is the Gentile banquet, that salvation is going to them as well., Delivered during the 2020 covid pandemic.


Earngey speaks on 2 Timothy 2:14-26. He explores what it means to be a worker of the word, including having the right answer, but more importantly having the right character. Earngey speaks against quarelling pointlessly, and that we should be the right type of vessel, we should be servants who correctly handle the word of truth., Delivered during the 2020 covid pandemic.


Kuhn expounds Psalm 145. He explores the uncessant or never-ending praise given to God, and challenges his listeners to praise God. Kuhn explores the characteristics of God which are highlighted by David., Talk given between the Sydney lockdowns of 2020 and 2021


Shead explores when we should be afraid and when we should be hopeful from Jeremiah 13:12-17., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown. Notification sounds throughout recording.


Shead looks at who we are, or the doctrine of humanity, from Jeremiah 16:19-17:18. Shead explains what the heart meant to the Ancient Israelites, before exploring the different types of hearts., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown.


Harrington speaks on Philippians 1:12-16. He explores the stresses for ministers during the covid pandemic. Harrington explores Paul's anchor points during a storm. Harrington looks at how to magnify Christ in personal hardship, and that this is Paul's goal. He examines the pain of being attacked by brothers, and that the focus needs to be on Christ's magnification and proclamation., Spoken during the 2020 pandemic.


Thompson speaks on Matthew 13:53-58. He explores the responses from those in his home town of Nazareth. Thompson looks at : 1. His return (to Nazareth) 2. His reception 3. His response., Delivered during the 2020 covid pandemic.


Thompson speaks on Matthew 12:22-37. He examines the responses of the Pharisees to Jesus casting out demons. Thompson shows that there is neutrality towards Jesus, you are either for him or against him., Delivered during the 2020 covid lockdown.


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